
Three Click-to-Call Hacks to Boost Your Car Sales

February 9th, 2014 by

Click-to-call advertising is a popular strategy in the automotive segment. According to estimates from Google, a whopping $4 billion is spent on Google call extensions alone. Reports predict the automotive industry will spend nearly $44 billion on advertising for 2016, so making good use of that money is crucial.

A large percentage of internet searches for car dealers come from mobile sources – nearly half, in fact. Because of this, it is necessary for those in the automotive industry to know how to link a potential consumer’s online actions to their subsequent offline behavior.  Customers looking for a vehicle, a service center, or automotive parts will likely place a phone call to the dealership. Google data proves that 60 percent of those consumers do contact the dealership via phone, but vehicles are hardly ever sold over the phone. Sales are usually finalized at the dealership. This gives dealerships the unique chance to improve all aspects of a customer’s shopping experience, from early internet searches to the customer visiting the dealership and purchasing a car.

What changes can your dealership make to improve conversions? Consider these helpful tips below!

  • Be educated about your inventory – When a customer calls a dealership about a vehicle, they usually already have a specific model in mind. These customers have previously done research on a vehicle that has caught their attention, so it is beneficial to have the details about that model readily available.  This allows you to effectively answer any customer questions and possibly even upsell or provide better alternatives.
  • Make sure calls do not go unanswered – Research has shown that between 10 and 20 percent of customer automotive search time is wasted because their calls do not get a response from the dealership. With all of the money that the automotive industry spends on getting customers to connect, these figures can be frustrating. Don’t lose your advertising dollars, as well as a possible sale.
  • Mention setting up an appointment over the phone – Data has shown that communication over the phone typically doesn’t translate into a customer setting up an appointment at the dealership. However, in over 60 percent of phone calls, making an appointment isn’t even brought up in the conversation. When a representative does try and set up an appointment, 1 out of 3 attempts is a success. Consider new techniques to help your sales team engage prospective customers, and increase the chance they will set up a time to make a visit to your showroom.

Digital Marketing Best Practices for Dealerships

January 3rd, 2014 by

As you think about your digital marketing strategy for 2014, we invite you to watch Dealer Inspire/Launch Digital Marketing Account Manager Erin Hipple discuss three marketing best practices for dealerships. For more information contact Dealer Inspire at 855-dlr-inspire or Erin at

Dealer-Dos 101

If you’re reading this, you probably already understand the increasing importance of digital marketing in the automotive industry. To ensure you’re on the right track, be sure to follow these three important steps to implement a cohesive and successful online presence.
1). DO NOT use stock photos. Not only are stock photos recognizably “fake” looking, but they have a tendency to confuse customers who are comparing vehicle colors or price discrepancies within your site or on a competitor’s platform. To be safe, make sure to include 6-9 photos of each vehicle showcasing interior and exterior elements.
2). Make sure every onsite page has a strong call to action (CTA). Examples of effective CTAs include a tracking number, a lead form, or a link to an inventory or vehicle description page. The point here is to guide the customer through the sales funnel, and obtain as much valuable information as possible.
3). Align strategies between your digital and traditional agencies. It is essential to market the same offers, creative, etc. throughout all platforms. Be sure that your multiple agencies are in constant communication with each other.
If you have any further questions about your digital presence, feel free to contact me at